What Add-in are you using?
This issue is not relevant to the Office 365 Add-in, as the result display will follow the design template setup.
Our legacy add-in will not be supported from 1 September 2025. Please transition to our Office 365 Add-in (see here). The new Office 365 Add-in allows customers to access more features of Vevox, such as all poll types, live results, and accessibility on Mac. Join our new PowerPoint add-in webinars for a quick demonstration and Q&A, or email us at support@vevox.com for help transitioning.
When you launch a word cloud poll and the result image appears off-centered, you need to change the PowerPoint slide size you are currently using.
In order for Vevox to work effectively, your slides sizes must be set to:
- Widescreen 16:9 and
- The default widescreen dimensions.
These dimensions are: 33.867cm by 19.05cm - or- 13.333in by 7.5in.
Once you change your slide size to the above dimensions, you will see the word cloud appears centered again.