If the Vevox account holder is located anywhere other than the United States of America, our hosting site (managed by AWS), is located in EU-West-1 region (Ireland). All data is stored within the EEA.
If the Vevox account holder is located in the United States of America and began contracting with us on or after 10th June 2024, our hosting site (managed by AWS), is located in US-East region, North Virginia (USA). All data is stored within the USA.
*Please note, only new accounts on or after 10th June 2024 will be affected by the US data hosting arrangements. All existing accounts that were taken out on or before 9th June 2024 will continue to operate under their existing hosting arrangements (whereby AWS EU-West-1 region (Ireland) was the primary hosting site for all accounts, with some clients utilising AWS US-East region, North Virginia (USA) (where it had been agreed by both parties)).
Further information on AWS security and compliance is available via these links: