Polling tips & trouble shooting
Here are a few tips and pointers to keep in mind when using the polling functionality:
Make sure your session is in the ‘Start’ status before you start your session or online class. Until you have started your session – your participants will not be able to join the session and log into the participant app. If your session is in the ‘Stopped’ status, your session is inactive and cannot be found by the participants.
- If your session is already in the ‘Started’ status and still does not want to launch, try refreshing your browser.
After you have finished polling and would like to use the data images of the votes in a PowerPoint deck or other reporting to share, you can download all your data images simultaneously. It will also be saved to your downloads folder in a Zip file as separate PNG images. Your polls will be in your polls folder & all survey images in the survey folder. There will be no Q&A folder as the Q&A section contains no images. The session summary will appear separately in the Zip file, containing stats relating to all data in the session.