Vevox is available in all countries. It is also multilingual and offers several languages. However, your default setting for Vevox is in US English. But we also allow you to set your languages for the following:
Dashboard languages
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Welsh/Cymraeg
- Irish/Gaelic
- Finnish
- Danish
- Swedish
Vevox browser App languages
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Welsh/Cymraeg
- Irish/Gaelic
- Dutch
- Japanese
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Finnish
- Danish
- Swedish
These app languages are currently available in our browser app (
If your language is not listed above, you can still create polls and send host messages in your native language. Participants can also send messages in the language of their choice. However, the Vevox dashboard and app directional buttons will remain in US English.
To change your dashboard language:
Login to your dashboard.
Go to your profile icon in the top right corner.
From the drop-down menu select ‘Language’.
Choose your preferred language and ‘Save’.
To change your browser app language:
You can either send a special link to participants with your app language parameters, so the app will automatically open in your preferred language. Or participants can change the app language themselves.
1. To send a link that opens the app in your chosen language:
Send the following link to your participants, replacing the 'EN' part of the link with your specific language parameters:
- English = EN
- Spanish = ES
- German = DE
- French = FR
- Dutch = NL
- Brazilian Portuguese = PT_BR
- Welsh = CY
- Simplified Chinese=ZH_HANS
- Japanese = JA
- Irish/Gaelic = GA
- Finnish = FI
- Danish = DA
- Swedish = SV
2. When participants want to change the language of the Vevox app themselves:
Login to your app in a browser window (not in the native app).
Type in your session ID.
Select the world icon button.
Choose your preferred language and ‘Save’.