Simple demo on doing an anonymous Q&A
A quick look at how to use the Q&A board in Present view
Lewis Thompson shares with us the basics when using the Q&A board.
You can also do the following with the Q&A board:
- Favorite messages–as a moderator, select the most relevant or pressing comments & questions.
- Edit, archive, or delete messages - they will still be available in the data reporting.
- Send replies from the dashboard - if you can’t answer them all verbally.
- Sort the Q&A board according to most liked or most recent comments.
- Add filters & labels to the Q&A board – to give panelists & speakers their own lists to focus on.
- Share the Q&A board with a colleague or moderator – to get some help running the Q&A board.
- Clear the Q&A board to start a new topic or conversation.
Tips to get the Q&A comments coming in
- Verbally inform your participants that a Q&A board will be open during the session or class.
- Send an announcement on the Q&A board as a host, to tell participants to submit any ideas, comments and questions. This will ensure they are aware of the Q&A board and feel confident to contribute.
- You can also send in a first comment or question as an icebreaker if you have the app open on your own device. Alternatively ask a colleague to do it on your behalf.
- Remind participants that they can ‘up or down vote’ other colleagues’ comments and ideas by pressing the thumbs-up icon next to the comment.
- Participants can also contribute anonymously to the Q&A board, depending on the identification settings. Anonymity will always ensure better comments & questions. Participants can be completely anonymous, or participants can be identified but still choose to hide their names.
- The Q&A board can be opened for comments ahead of an actual meeting by starting the session and sharing the session details with colleagues who will attend.
Frequently asked questions
The following questions are answered in more detail in the Q&A webinar below:
00:35 Can you have live polling and Q&A in the same session?
Yes, for sure. Most clients use it in combination with polling, surveys, and quizzes, all in the same session. So, for example, when the Q&A board is open, but a new poll is being asked, the participant will be able to answer the poll and revert back to the Q&A board without losing any content.
01:33 Is there a way to add external moderators to Q&A?
Additional moderators come in handy, especially when moderation is turned on. An extra pair of hands can help manage the Q&A board deciding what comments & questions to show to the participants, while the facilitator can focus on answering these questions. These moderators do not need to have their own Vevox accounts. Read this article on how to share your moderation.
05:56 Can I turn off the Q&A board during a session?
Definitely, just go to the settings menu and turn it off. The Q&A board will instantly disappear from the participants app. Alternatively put the Q&A board in a Pause state, so that participants can still view the questions and comments, but they will not be able to like, upvote or add more comments.
07:02 How to dedicate time to Q&A sessions.
A little planning goes a long way. Sometimes the best solution is to have the Q&A board open before the session starts and then at the end of the session. There is no right or wrong answer, as many clients also use the Q&A board throughout the session. A good tip is to remind your participants when the Q&A board is open/closed.
09:20 Reasons to share your Vevox presentation.
Sharing your Vevox session with a colleague is always a good backup plan to counteract unplanned events like traffic, illness, or power cuts. Read this article on how to share your whole Vevox session (not just moderation) with your colleague.
10:14 More on labels for the Q&A board.
Labels are used to help ease the moderation and management of the Q&A board. For example, you can filter the Q&A board for a specific topic or certain speakers when using labels. Read this article on how to use labels.
11:54 Should participants be anonymous or Identified when using the Q&A board?
This depends on your setup and what you want to achieve with your session. Why not give your participants the choice to decide for themselves? Read this article on how to set up participant identification.
13:24 Using the Q&A board as an ideas generator.
Want to get ideas for your next year-end function, help plan the next quarter's priorities, or get some student input? Use the Q&A board to get some creative input from your team.
- Also, read this blog post on 5 top-tips to help you effectively use Q&A in Vevox.
- Watch this short video on how to use the Q&A board internally to boost employee morale and celebrate your co-workers' achievements
- How to transform ideas into decisions quickly, by using the Q&A board and then voting with a ranking poll
- How to use different views of the Q&A board to your advantage
- Using your Q&A data report to respond to all unanswered questions
- How to respond to questions in the Q&A board