This set up requires you to be an Account Administrator of your Vevox account with an Institutional plan and you will also need to be an administrator of your Blackboard account.
- Navigate to Administrative Tools and select LTI Tool Providers
- Select Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool
- In the Client ID field, add: 94c6875a-772f-4d8c-baa4-58672ad59ffc and press submit
- The next screen should auto-populate with all the required values. Copy the Deployment ID and Tool Redirect URLs it provides as we will need that in a moment.
- In your Vevox dashboard go to Account > Admin Settings > LTI.
- Select 'Create New' and choose Blackboard.
- Paste in the Deployment ID you copied from the Blackboard Tool status screen and press save.
- Now go to the Vevox LTI 1.3 Tool and select the dropdown next to the name (hover in this area to find it), then select Manage Placements.
- Fill in the details for your placement as detailed below
- Label: Enter the name you would like to appear in thre course content menu e.g. Vevox
- Handle: Vevox
- Availability: Yes
- Type: Deep linking content tool and Allow student access
- Target Link URI: Copy and paste this link from the Tool Redirects URL in the LTI Tool status screen (step 4 above).
- Press submit when finished. The setup is now complete, and you can now add Vevox from the content section in Blackboard.