In this article, we will look at how to add Vevox as content within a course in Moodle.
Linking Vevox to a course in Moodle
- In the course view section, make sure you are in Edit mode and select Add an activity or resource.
- Locate and select the Vevox tool
- Press the Select content button
Choosing which Vevox activity to link
- When launching the Vevox tool you will be presented with a list of your Vevox sessions. Select the session you would like to use.
- You now have an option as to which Vevox activity you would like to link to your course. You can choose between ‘Live polling’ or any of the self-paced ‘Quiz’ or ‘Surveys’ you have.
It is assumed that you have already created your content within Vevox. If you haven’t, you can setup a new survey from here but you will need to go to your Vevox dashboard to configure the questions you would like to include - Next, you can choose the scoring and identification options you would like to use.
- Anonymous – This will be a completely anonymous session. With anonymous sessions, it is not possible to pass back any scoring details to Moodle. An anonymous session will provide a convenient way for students to access Vevox from within Moodle in order to participate.
- Identified – This will allow you to pass student scores back to Moodle from Vevox. For scores to be passed back successfully when using an identified session, students MUST access Vevox from Moodle so that it can properly identify and authenticate them based on their identity in Moodle. Identified is the default option.
- There are 2 different scoring options you can use.
- Correct answers – This will create a column in the gradebook and students will be graded on the number of questions they answer correctly. This option is only available if you have questions that have correct answers assigned to them.
- Participation – This will create a column in the gradebook and students will be graded on the number of questions that they provide an answer for, regardless of whether they answered correctly. This option can be used for any type of questions you have (e.g. correct answer questions or opinion based questions that do not have a correct response). Participation scoring provides a way to track whether and to what extent students have been engaging and participating with the Vevox activity.
It is possible to select just one of the scoring options, both or neither (if you don’t want to pass any scoring information back to Moodle).
You can specify the number of points you would like this activity to be scored out of (10 is the default). This value sets the score that will appear in the gradebook but can also be changed later by editing the scoring options directly from the Moodle activity.
- Make sure to complete the setup by saving your configuration in Moodle.
Participating as a student
- Students will see the Vevox activity listed within their course view.
- When selecting the activity students will be taken into the Vevox app where they can participate.
- If the activity is a general Live Polling/Q&A activity then participants will be greeted by the Vevox app home screen where they can navigate to the Q&A if enabled or await a live poll to be asked.
- If the activity is a self-paced quiz/survey, then participants will be taken directly to the survey so they can complete it.
If you want to use the Grade Center service to populate the grading report with scores based on a student's response to questions, then the Vevox sessions MUST be identified.
It is also worth noting that if you do setup an identified session then students MUST access Vevox through Moodle. Vevox authenticates students through their Moodle Identity which is passed when they click on the link through their Moodle instance.