This set up requires you to be an Account Administrator of your Vevox account with an Institutional plan and you will also need to be an administrator of your Canvas account.
- In your Vevox dashboard go to Account > Admin Settings > LTI.
- Select 'Create New' and choose 'Add new plattform'.
- In 'Platform name', give your plattform a name. (E.g. Canvas)
- You should see a screen like the one in the below image, we will need this information later.
- Within Canvas go to ‘Admin > Developer Keys.
- Select +Developer Key and choose LTI Key.
- On the Key setting page fill in the following details:
- Redirect URIs: copy the 'Vevox target link' link from the LTI deployment section in your Vevox dashboard
- Method: Manual entry
- Title: Vevox (or however you would like the name to appear within Canvas)
- Target Link URI: copy the 'Vevox target link' link from the LTI deployment section in your Vevox dashboard
- OpenID Connect Initiation Url: copy the 'Vevox OIDC initiation URL' link from the LTI deployment section in your Vevox dashboard
- JWK Method: Public JWK URL
- Public JWK URL: copy the 'Vevox JWKS URL' link from the LTI deployment section in your Vevox dashboard
- In the LTI Advantage Services section, turn on the following options:
Can create and update submission results for assignments associated with the tool.
- In the Additional Settings section make sure the 'Privacy Level' is set to Public
- In the Placements section add placements for:
- Link Selection
- Assignment selection
- Under both of the sub setting for these placements be sure to select the option for
- When finished press Save.
- You should now see this has been added to the developer keys. The number above the 'show key' button, highlighted in the image below, is your Client ID, make a note of this as we will need it later. Makes sure the state is toggled ON
- Under Admin > Settings > Apps, add Vevox as a new app:
- Click the '+ App' button
- Under Configuration Type select By client ID
- Enter the Client ID from step 12 and press Submit
- You should see a screen saying "Tool "Vevox" found for client ID XXXXXXXXX. Would you like to install it?" Press Install
- Vevox should now be visible as an app under Admin > Settings > Apps and from here we will need to get the Deployment ID, make a note of this as we will need it later.
- Next we need to fill out the details in the Vevox LTI deployment screen from step 3.
- ISS - If using cloud hosted solution provided by Instructure this is "". If using cloud hosted test solution provided by Instructure this is "". Consult your Canvas provider otherwise.
- Client ID - This is the number found in step 12 above
- Authorization endpoint - <your organization canvas URL>/api/lti/authorize_redirect (e.g.
- Token endpoint - <your organization canvas URL>/login/oauth2/token (e.g.
- JWKS endpoint - <your organization canvas URL>/api/lti/security/jwks (e.g.
- Deployment ID - This is the number found in step 14 above
- When you have finished here press the SAVE button to save the details.
- The setup should now be complete, and you will now be able to add Vevox to Assignments and Modules in Canvas.