Wanting to wow your participants? Look no further than our word cloud.
What Add-in are you using?
In this section we cover:
- How to create a word cloud in PowerPoint
- How to ask a word cloud
- Displaying your word cloud
- Changing the font of the word cloud
- Changing the colors of your word cloud
Remember for the Office 365 Add-in all polls can be set up in PowerPoint or in the dashboard.
To create a word cloud in PowerPoint do the following:
After you have connected your session to your PowerPoint, in the task pane select the '+ Create new button.
Select 'Word Cloud' as the poll type.
Enter the 'Question title' or question of your poll.
If you prefer, add an image to the poll question by clicking on the picture icon. Either upload a preferred image from your computer or use the built-in library of licensed images. (If you have a Free account, you will not have access to this feature.)
Select custom settings for this poll and ensure the toggle is on for 'Display real-time results' so you can see the word cloud grow and update dynamically.
Press 'Create'.
First add the joining instructions slide to your presentation so your participants know how to join the session.
Then add the word cloud poll to the slide deck by clicking the 'Add slide' button in the task pane. Two slides will be added to your presentation. A question slide as well as a results slide.
How to ask a word cloud poll in PowerPoint
After you have created your word cloud poll, enter slide show mode and use the 'Enter' button to advance. As soon as you reach the question slide the poll will automatically open.
Give participants enough time to think and submit their responses for the word cloud. As votes come in, the word cloud will automatically expand. When most participants have submitted their answers, you can close the poll by pressing the 'Enter' button again. The slide may show a "preparing results" message in the top-right corner—allow a moment for this process to complete.
After the results are displayed, the PowerPoint presentation will indicate the number of participants that voted. And that the poll is now closed by showing the results.
The word cloud will now display in your PowerPoint slide deck as well as on participants' devices.
Displaying your word cloud
When the results of the poll are displayed they will appear as a word cloud with the most frequently used words or short phrases appearing larger compared to words used less frequently.
Changing the font of the word cloud
Navigate to the question slide in PowerPoint, click on the text box, and adjust the font. The next time you open the word cloud, it will appear in the updated font.
Changing the colors of your word cloud:
Our Office 365 Add-in uses the design theme of your presentation to set the colors for the word cloud. The word cloud will automatically adjust its look based on your current slide color scheme. If you want to view or edit these colors:
Select the 'Design' tab from the PowerPoint ribbon.
Select 'Colors' from the variants section.
Press customize colors and create your own color scheme.
Here you will be able to see all the colors that your default template uses.
The word cloud takes colors from the first 5 accent colors. If you alter these colors and save them, they will then be used to theme the word clouds you generate.
Read this Microsoft article on how to set custom themes & color codes.
In this section we cover:
- How to create a word cloud
- Displaying your word cloud
- Changing the colors of the word cloud
- Example of a word cloud on PowerPoint slide and on the mobile app
To create a word cloud follow the same initial steps as creating a new poll.
In the PowerPoint presentation under the Vevox Add-in tab:
Select the Add Poll Slide button from the ribbon.
Select the word cloud question type.
Enter a question title.
Select 'Add'.
When you open the vote participants can enter in text-based responses on their devices as well as emojis. Find out more about how word cloud works and get some tips.
Displaying your word cloud
Once your participants have sent in their responses, the word cloud results area can be placed anywhere and at any size on your slide. The word cloud will automatically adjust their look based on your current slide color scheme. Vevox elements behave just like other PowerPoint objects so you don’t have to compromise on your slide design.
For more information on where to place and position your word cloud responses, check our PowerPoint Add-in webinar from time stamp 11:09 https://youtu.be/EqlYO4mLPMA
Also watch from time stamp 28:34 to see how a word cloud poll is asked and answered.
Changing the colors of the word cloud
Our PowerPoint add-in uses the design theme of your presentation to set the colors of the word cloud.
If you want to view or edit these colors:
Select the 'Design' tab from the PowerPoint ribbon.
Select 'Colors' from the Variants section.
Press Customize colors.
Here you will be able to see all the colors that your default template uses.
The word cloud takes colors from the first 5 accent colors. If you alter these colors and save them, they will then be used to theme the word clouds you generate.
Example of PowerPoint slide and mobile app showing a word cloud.
You will notice that as the mobile screen has much less screen space, the word arrangement will be slightly different on the mobile screen to fit all the results on. But all the results will still be there.