Steps to use Vevox when using YouTube Live
Watch this short video on how to integrate Vevox when using YouTube & YouTube live streaming.
Vevox is successfully used by many education institutions when giving online classes using YouTube live streaming. Questions can be asked in a synchronous or asynchronous way.
Use Vevox to:
- Encourage dialogue with students.
- Pose questions & discussions via Q&A (and then upvote ideas via the 'like' feature).
- Test knowledge & measure learning.
- Create quizzes for engagement & to boost morale.
- Understand your audience.
- Students enjoy freedom to ask questions due to anonymity.
- Students share and vote on ideas, views & opinions.
Student feedback can be collected via the survey feature or with a moderated Q&A session during teachings. By adding subtitles or closed captions to your Livestream, students can be directed to join the Q&A or surveys via their mobile devices.
During teaching you can decide when to open up the Q&A in your present view option via the session status control bar. Read more about the session status control bar.
Or ask students to complete a survey in their own time and at their own pace.
The moderated feature of the Q&A also allows educators to continue with their teaching without being interrupted. The Q&A feedback can then be answered by the teachers at the end of the lesson.
Watch this short video on how to engage with your students.