This article covers the following sections:
- Introduction
- Adding Vevox to your Webex meeting
- Set up your Vevox session
- Start your Webex meeting and open Vevox
- Manage your polls
- Sharing Present View
- Manage your Q&A
- Closing the Vevox app
- Troubleshooting
1. Introduction
You can now run Vevox polls and Q&A seamlessly within Webex Meetings. This integration allows the meeting host to ask live polls, Q&A or surveys inside your Webex meeting. Meeting attendees can post anonymous feedback and experience real excitement with interactive quiz scoring and word clouds. The new integration ensures that switching between different applications is minimized and it enhances the overall productivity of the meeting.
Webex is a free integration for all Vevox subscribers including Free accounts.
2. Adding Vevox to your Webex meetings:
When you are going to use the anonymous polling and Q&A feedback with your Webex meeting attendees make sure that:
- You have a Webex as well as a Vevox account (free or paid).
- You have the Webex App version 41.6 or later (for both the meeting host & attendees).
- Your IT department might need to enable Vevox in the Webex Control Hub to use the Vevox app in your Webex meeting.
- Meeting attendees can take part directly from within the meeting with the click of a button – no need to use mobile devices.
3. Steps to use Vevox when hosting a Webex meeting
1. Set up your Vevox session in the Vevox dashboard
Read this article on how to set up your Vevox session. Take note of your 9-digit Session ID.
2. Set your Vevox session to started mode
Make sure your session is set to the 'Started' status mode before you start your Webex meeting.
3. Set up your polls in the Vevox dashboard
Remember to set up the polls that you would like to ask in your Webex meeting.
4. Start your Webex meeting and open Vevox
First, log in to your Webex account and choose the relevant option between start a meeting, schedule a meeting or schedule an event. You can access Vevox directly in your Webex meeting whether it is a scheduled or ad-hoc meeting.
Now press the 'Start' button. Once you have started your meeting you can add Vevox to your meeting by selecting the Apps button in the bottom right corner. Then select Vevox from the app list.
Enter your Vevox 9-digit session ID and press ‘Join Session’ in the sidebar. Vevox will open automatically in the sidebar of your Webex meeting showing the participant app view.
Launch the Vevox app for your attendees by clicking the ‘Open together’ button at the bottom of the sidebar panel. This will enable all meeting attendees to access Vevox. (Should you forget to press this option, Vevox will only be visible to the meeting host and not any attendees.)
When your attendees join your Webex meeting they will automatically see the Vevox participant app in the sidebar. From here they can anonymously provide feedback, take part in real-time conversations, share opinions or be part of brainstorm sessions - all in a simple and seamless way.
5. Manage your polls
All your real-time voting and attendee interaction are controlled from within Present view or the Vevox dashboard.
You can open your polls, close your polls, show the answers to the polls and move on to the next poll.
Sharing your leaderboard is also done with a click of a button.
From inside the Webex meeting side panel, your attendees are also able to send in questions via the Q&A board, answer polls , and complete surveys exactly like they would do if they were using the Vevox mobile app on their phone.
Attendees use the icons at the top of the applications panel to navigate between polling, the Q&A board, and surveys.
6. Sharing Present view as a meeting host
If you would like to share the complete Vevox experience, use the ‘Share screen’ button from within the Webex meeting. You participants will be able to see the ‘big screen’ version in the main meeting frame with the participant application still open and available for answering polls on the sidebar in the Webex viewer.
7. Manage your anonymous Q&A with Vevox
The benefit of using the Vevox Q&A is that your attendees can truly stay anonymous when contributing comments, suggestions and ideas. This is unlike the Webex native chat functionality that reveals a name next to each comment. It encourages true honest feedback and creates a safe space to mention the real issues. And all the Q&A feedback, as well as polling results, will be safely captured in the Vevox data report (in Excel format as well as results images) for further analysis.
Attendees can also upvote other colleagues' comments and sort the Q&A board into the 'most recent' or 'most liked' lists in the sidebar.
To manage your Q&A session in Webex do the following:
Set up your Vevox session in the Vevox dashboard. The default session setup is that all participants are anonymous. You can check it by going to the session card, selecting the more options (three dots), and then choosing ‘Settings’.
Under the Identification tab, the 'Anonymous' option will be selected.
The Q&A moderation setting can also be turned on or off in the meetings settings under the 'Features’ tab. We suggest that you keep the moderation off for a simple Q&A experience. If you would like to review & filter all responses before they are shared on the Vevox tab for all to see, turn the moderation to ‘On’.
From the Q&A section in the navigation menu in your Vevox dashboard, type in your message or announcement that you would like to send to the Q&A board. Press the send button. This message will appear at the top of the Q&A board in the Vevox sidebar in the Webex Meeting.
When participants first join the meeting in Webex they will see the welcome/information screen in the sidebar. Attendees can navigate to the Q&A board by clicking on the double speech bubbles within the Vevox tab. The red dot indicates that there are unread messages in the Q&A board.
8. Closing the Vevox application
As a host, you can close Vevox by pressing the ‘Stop Session’ button in the sidebar. This will close only the Vevox app to all attendees, whilst the Webex meeting can continue.
A popup will confirm that you would like to close the application. Press ‘Yes’.
9. Troubleshooting:
If you do not see the Vevox application in the sidebar, make sure to minimize the participant list at the top of the sidebar, to allow space for the app to appear below it.