An overall bird's eye view of your account will help you plan better and optimize product usage. Pro, Enterprise & Institution account holders can now manage their various users via the Account Admin. The Account Admin can also assign users to different departments. This provides an easy option to identify how many users are using Vevox in certain departments, sort by Department, and ease the task of internal invoicing and cost recovery.
To assign a current user to a department, do the following:
Log into your Vevox dashboard.
Navigate to the Users button in the main menu on the left.
Enter the user's name in the search bar and then select the three dots next to the user name. Click on 'Edit'. A pop-up with the user details will appear. Then click on the department box. Either select from the drop-down menu of departments or create a new one by entering a new department name.
Press 'Save'.
To remove the department allocated to a user
Select the tick box next to the username from the users' list. Then, click on the assign department icon, click on the empty Department box, and press save. The department name will now be removed.
Alternatively, the allocated department can be exchanged for another department by selecting a different name and pressing 'Save'.
Allocating bulk names to a specific department
If you wish to allocate bulk names to a specific department, click the tick box next to each name you want to allocate, select the assign members' icon, type in the department name or select one, and press 'Save.'
Download the user report
Export the user list by clicking the Usage Report button. An Excel sheet with the different tabs will show:
- A list of the users
- What invites are still pending
- A list of the sessions for that Vevox account