In this article we cover:
Follow these steps to delete a poll:
Go to the poll you wish to delete.
Press the 'more options' icon (three dots) on the bottom right of the question.
A drop-down menu will appear. Select the 'Delete' option to permanently delete the poll.
A warning message will appear reminding you that the responses will also be deleted.
If your poll already has responses choose the option to delete both the poll and the responses.
Your poll will now be deleted and the next poll will replace the question number.
Follow these steps to delete more than one poll at a time
Select the checkboxes next to the polls you want to delete.
Select the bulk action delete option at the top of the poll list. Choose the option to delete the 'Responses and polls'.
A warning message will appear asking you if you are sure you want to delete these polls.
The selected polls will now be permanently deleted.