Need help when hosting a session? In this article we show you how to share your session with another person or user. This way you can include another colleague, organizer, moderator or collaborator to help you set up polls, present to your participants, or help with moderation of the Q&A board.
Consider the following when sharing your session:
- You can only share a session with another user in your account. Ask your company’s Vevox representative to add a user if they are not yet active on the Vevox account.
- Once you've shared a session, the other users can do everything you can, except delete the session. Only a session owner or session admin can delete a session.
- When sharing your session the other user can't ‘unshare’ the session with the session owner.
- Sharing your session grants access to this specific session only, NOT every session in your dashboard.
When you create a new Vevox session you become the session 'owner'. Only you can view, edit or control the session.
If there are multiple users in your account you can share your session with them so they too can view, edit or control it. You might want to do this if you are co-hosting a session, giving a colleague access to download reports, sharing Q&A moderating responsibilities or controlling the polls.
To share your session with another dashboard user
Go to your sessions list.
On the session you want to share, press the 'more options' (or three dots) icon.
Select 'Settings'.
Select the 'Sharing' tab.
Under 'Session sharing' start typing the name of the person you would like to make a co-host.
Select the person from the list of names that appear.
Press 'Save'.
Or you can reach the same 'sharing tab' from the settings option from the main navigations menu.
The user you shared the session with receives an email notification, which is also copied to you.
The session you have shared will now automatically appear in their sessions list. If your colleague's name does not appear in the drop-down list where you need to enter their name try refreshing your browser. If it still does not appear, get in contact with your company's Vevox representative to add them to the account.
Receiving an error message: "Failed to load users"?
For all Enterprise, Institution & multi-users – when you want to add a co-host, colleague, or organizer to your session and receive the message “Failed to load users” this might be due to your internet connection.
When the user list is failing to load do the following: