Favorite Q&A messages are a quick and handy way for the moderator to identify the best questions/ comments received from participants. Use it to sift through multiple questions/comments, shortlisting them, when there is not enough time to answer all of them. Favoriting happens in the dashboard.
When you scan through the list of questions getting ready for a Q&A session, you can quickly favorite a few key questions. This will ensure that those questions/comments are highlighted and easy to address.
The favoriting a message is available to all Vevox accounts including Free accounts.
How to favorite a message in the dashboard
Pressing the favorite (star) icon highlights the message in the list so you can easily identify it.
The moderator can filter the list in the dashboard so only the favorite messages will appear in the dashboard.
How to show your favorite Q&A messages to the participants:
Using the Present view as your display you can filter the questions/comments in the Q&A board to only show the favorite ones.
In Present view press on the 'Sort' option (three lines) on the right side. A pop-up with options will appear indicating how many messages are currently showing.
Select 'Filter' and click on the 'Only favourites'. Your Q&A board will now update.
Click on the 'X' again to remove the favorite list and revert back to the previous view.