What Add-in are you using?
Questions & Answers (Q&A) is a great way to make your presentations more interactive.
Participants can submit their own questions, ideas or comments. They can also 'up vote' those from others helping you to see what matters most. Discussions can be moderated to help keep the conversation on track. You can also take questions without a single raised hand. Lastly, profiles can be anonymous so everyone will want to join in whether they’re in the room or attending remotely.
Q&A will always need to run in Present View.
If you want to use moderation for the Q&A, we suggest you link a second computer to your set up.
Note you can run both PowerPoint polling and Q&A from the same laptop. Simply switch to Q&A by using Alt+Tab (cmd+Tab for Mac) or by cutting and pasting the hyperlink to a slide in the presentation deck and clicking to launch it.
Follow these steps when using both PowerPoint for polling and Q&A in your meeting session without any Q&A moderation.
Set your polls in the dashboard or PowerPoint and start your session.
Connect your meeting session to PowerPoint and add your polls to the slide deck.
When you want to use the Q&A, go back to the dashboard and send out your announcement, reminding participants to submit their questions and comments.
Open the Q&A board in Present view by opening it in a new tab and watch as the comments and questions come in. (Double-click on a question to enlarge it and click on it again to minimize.)
Launch your PowerPoint presentation into slide show mode to ask your polls. In other words you will have the polling in PowerPoint open in slide show mode and the Q&A open in a browser in present view mode.
On a Windows computer, you can quickly switch between two programs by pressing the 'Alt' key, and while holding the alt key, press the 'Tab' key on your keyboard.
If you are using the PowerPoint Add-in when presenting your polls to your audience (instead of Present view), you can still use the powerful Q&A functionality of Vevox as well.
Questions & Answers (Q&A) is a great way to make your presentations more interactive.
Participants can submit their own questions, ideas or comments. They can also 'up vote' those from others helping you to see what matters most. Discussions can be moderated to help keep the conversation on track. You can also take questions without a single raised hand. Lastly, profiles can be anonymous so everyone will want to join in whether they’re in the room or attending remotely.
Q&A will always need to run in Present View.
If you want to use moderation for the Q&A, we suggest you link a second computer to your set up.
Note you can run both PowerPoint polling and Q&A from the same laptop. Simply switch to Q&A by using Alt+Tab or by cutting and pasting the hyperlink to a slide in the presentation deck and clicking to launch it.
Follow these steps when using both PowerPoint for polling and Q&A in your meeting session without any Q&A moderation.
Set your polls up with the PowerPoint Add-in.
Connect your meeting session with the PowerPoint Add-in.
On the same computer, open another tab in your internet browser for Present view by logging into your Vevox dashboard.
Set up your host messages in presenting view.
Share your present view on screen.
Now present your polls with your legacy PowerPoint Add-in. (Make sure to have both the Present view option on one tab and the PowerPoint polling open on another tab).
In other words you will have the polling in PowerPoint open in slide show mode and the Q&A open in a browser in present view mode.
On a Windows computer you can swap quickly between two programs by pressing the 'Alt' key and whilst holding the alt key press the 'Tab' key on your keyboard.
Do the same again with the ‘Alt and Tab’ keys when you want to switch back again between polling & Q&A.