In this article we cover:
- How to add images to your polls
- Using Alt text for imagery
- Examples of image polls in Present view
- Example of the same image poll in the dashboard
- How to enlarge an image
- Images can be added to all polling types in the question title. But images are only available as choice options for multichoice polls.
- When creating polls with images in the Vevox dashboard, these images will also reflect in the Teams & PowerPoint integrations.
- Image sizes: you can use any size you like. The system will automatically scale the image for a best fit on device displays.
- Image formats accepted are JPG, PNG, GIF, JFIF & BMP.
- When your online classes, meetings, or live events require additional videos & animations you can use the Vevox PowerPoint Add-in. These can be inserted/embedded on PowerPoint slides as normal alongside any Vevox polls you want to add to your slides.
- Images & GIF's can also be used as info screen images or images for the logo/background in Present view.
To add images or photos to your polling questions follow these steps:
Go to the 'Polls' section of your dashboard.
Select the relevant question type: multichoice, word cloud, text, rating, numeric or XY plot.
Type in your question title and then select the image icon on the right.
From here you can either add your own image by dragging and dropping your file or use the free image library (Unsplash) to search for relevant images.
Should you use the image library option, use the search bar to select your chosen image and press the 'Save' button.
When you add your choice options below the question, you can also add images to your multichoice polls by clicking on the image icon next to the choice option. (Choice option images are not available to other polling types).
Set the correct answer (if relevant). Select the 'Create' button to add your poll.
Your images will now appear as part of your poll in the dashboard and show in Present view as soon as you open the poll for participants to answer.
Using Alt text for imagery
In keeping with our accessibility statement, Vevox lets you provide an Alt text description for each image you upload. As with all the other images, the Alt text appears below the uploaded message for the screen reader to interpret. When you present to your participants, the Alt text will simply be in the background and not be seen in the live polling.
It is optional to enter a description of the image in the 'ALT Text box'. Consider not just the description of the image, but what individuals may be searching for.
Examples of image polls in Present view:
Example of the same image poll in the Vevox dashboard:
Enlarging an image when a poll is open
The image will appear more prominent, and the poll choices will be hidden. Click on the image again to shrink it to its original size so participants can see their answer choices.
In this training session, Emma shows us exactly how to set up an image poll and how to present them as well.